Saturday 15 September 2012

Bill Hewlett

William( Bill) Redington Hewlett was born on May 20, 1913. He was an engineer and the co-founder with David Packard -of the Hewlett-Packard Company(HP). He attended Stanford University in Stanford, Calif., and received a bachelor of arts degree in 1934. He also received a master's degree in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1936. Additionally, he received the degree of Engineer from Stanford University in 1939.Hewlett met Packard during their undergraduate days at Stanford. The two engineering classmates became friends and formed a partnership known as Hewlett-Packard Company in 1939. HP's first product was a resistance-capacitance audio oscillator based on a design developed by Hewlett when he was in graduate school. The company's first "plant" was a small garage in Palo Alto, and the initial capital amounted to $538.


Hewlett was involved actively in management of the company until 1987, with the exception of the years he served as an Army officer during World War II. He was on the staff of the Army's Chief Signal Officer and then headed the electronics section of the New Development Division of the War Department Special Staff. During this latter tour of duty, he was on a special U.S. team that inspected Japanese industry immediately after the war.In 1947, shortly after he returned to Palo Alto, Hewlett was named vice president of HP. He was elected executive vice president in 1957, president in 1964, and also was named chief executive officer in 1969.Over the years, Hewlett contributed to the advancement of various organizations within the electronics industry.Hewlett had a keen interest in education and medicine. He was a trustee of Mills College in Oakland, Calif., from 1958 to 1968 and Stanford University from 1963 to 1974, and was a member of the San Francisco regional panel of the Commission on White House Fellows from 1969 to 1970.Hewlett was an honorary trustee of the California Academy of Sciences, a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was also trustee emeritus of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.Hewlett held honorary degrees from American colleges and universities: honorary doctor of law degrees from the University of California at Berkeley, Yale University, Mills College, Marquette University and Brown University; honorary doctor of science degrees from Polytechnic Institute of New York and Kenyon College; honorary doctor of engineering degrees from the University of Notre Dame, Dartmouth College and Utah State University; and an honorary doctor of humane letters from Johns Hopkins University.

He also held an honorary doctor of public policy degree from the Rand Graduate Institute and an honorary doctor of humanities degree from Santa Clara University. Internationally, Hewlett held an honorary doctor of electronic science degree from the University of Bologna in Italy.In October of 1999, Hewlett received the Eta Kappa Nu Association's Eminent Member Award.Hewlett had a wide range of outside interests and hobbies, most of them based on his love for the outdoors. He was a part-time botanist and an accomplished mountain climber, skier and fisherman. He also maintained various ranching and cattle-raising operations with Packard in California and Idaho.
William Hewlett was very educated person. He knew where and how to make a decision. But we cannot imagine HP company without David Packard. The secret of their success is that choosing the right things to do in a right time. I learned that the Group work can help you a lot, because it has so many advantages, If in case there is a problem, one of them can give a nice idea, and solve the problem easily. And the greatest success comes to that person who is not afraid to fail even in front of largest audience. 

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